2017: Natchez

The Mighty Mo

April 12


We said goodbye to our lovely state park with both relief and trepidation. While I was hoping for real internet in our next place, it's always hard to move from a peaceful green spacious place like we'd just enjoyed for two weeks.

It was a fairly short drive to Natchez, our next stop -- less than 200 miles, just the way we like it. Mike doesn't get too taxed with the driving and we don't arrive so exhausted.

It didn't take too long for the country to change. It was just as green, but not quite as swampy. When we crossed the state line into Mississippi, though, the pavement changed pretty drastically.

Mike pooh-poohed my shrieks at the teeth-rattling washboard bumps taken at 60mph. But my reaction was vindicated when we stopped and I opened the closet, to discover ALL the hanging clothes dumped into a tangled wad.

Fortunately that was the only bad luck we had. Our new home, the Riverview RV Park in Vidalia, LA, lived up to its name with a gob-smacking view of the Mississippi and the Natchez bridge.

We ended our first day in Natchez with spectacular views and a spectacular sunset. We even got to see our first river barge!