The long line to buy tickets was in an enormous entry space with several airplanes hanging overhead. On
the floor were some land vehicles plus the cockpit of another plane.
The museum was a maze of placards and displays that led through the timeline of the war, separated
into the different geographic theaters. There was a wealth of information that once again I was
unable to absorb. It was like trying to read a thousand-page book in a couple of hours. I wish
I could visit the place once a week for a year, there was so much to see and learn.
The next day was our last day in the beautiful Bayou Segnette State Park. We made preparations for our
departure, but first we had to revisit our favorite breakfast spot, Joe's Cafe. We'd been turned on to this
place about a week earlier by our friendly state park ranger, in the wake of a rather disastrous breakfast
experience at another local hole-in-the-wall.
In addition to a full breakfast and lunch menu, Joe's makes their own scrumptious donuts, muffins,
and my favorite, apple fritters. After we stuffed ourselves with delicious omelets, I filled a
bag-to-go with confections for the road.