2023: The Florida Keys

Island Time

March 23-25


We'd extended our stay in the Keys instead of taking a short side trip to Everglades City, but we'd run out of activities. So I vegetated, and Mike amused himself watching the construction continue on the permanent houses.

The houses were prefab units that were installed on stilts, to guard against storm surges. Mike got to watch them lifting the units onto the stilts and securing them with bolts. He even took a five-minute video of the process (I time-compressed it to be one minute).

Mike also took some final photos of the RV park. It had gotten much busier than when we arrived, but it was still quite a beautiful place, especially by the standards of the rest of the places we'd seen in the Keys.

The downtime also afforded us the opportunity to visit a local veterinarian. Our little girl Penny was not doing well; she had diarrhea most days. The vet didn't have much to offer but suggested we try giving her some Pepcid for upset stomach.

*Sigh*. We forged ahead.